Hook your audience: Three techniques for writing catchy communication headlines for your business

“Communicating during a time of rapid change”

“The art of never getting sick”

“Why changing your morning routine can change your life tomorrow”

Would you click on these headlines to read what comes next? Or at least scan what the article has to say?

They are each catchy in their own way. Whatever your business is communicating, whether it is a big announcement, newsletter, email, blog or article, fine-tuning a headline will be the difference between your content getting read, or clicked into the trash, no matter how good or fine-tuned your message is.

Headlines may seem like they come easy, but there is a science and technique behind making your content must-read stuff. Yourheadline is the pitch. It’s a direct, succinct, short and simple sales line.

There is a deep psychology in a headline. Behind most of them, you will find:

1. An element of hope.

“4 Japanese Concepts to Transform your State of Mind”

2. A cliff hanger—your reader cannot not click to find out what information will help them improve some aspect of their life or business.

​“The one question that changed my life.” ​

3. A reference to a big change (either political, economical, or other) that might affect you or your business.

​“How unemployment might affect your business in 2020”.

4. New light, angle or perspective on how to take care of, or remedy a common issue, either personal or business-related.

“How to reclaim attention for your brand in a digital age.”

5. A subject or experience shared:

“How my life changed after a year of eating a plant-based diet.”

The goal is to give your reader or audience FOMO if they don’t click to read further.

Three 65 Marketing offers some excellent techniques when it comes to writing headlines. They say:

1. “Get in their heads”.

How can this not get in your head: “The shocking truth about how bathroom mold affects your health.” Everyone cares about their health. This headline makes you want to click on the article to see if you have signs of bathroom mold in your home or office.

2. “Be the expert”.

Everyone likes valuable information that might improve their revenue or processes. “7 mistakes you are making when hiring a contractor.”

3. “Bring them peace”.

Peace of mind seems like a hard thing to attain some days—give your reader steps they can take to make a pre-emptive strike. “Winter cleaning tips to prevent ice dams.”

Other ways to attract attention with a good headline:

Relate your headline to a current event. When something is going down (like a pandemic), people are looking to gather their information from multiple sources to make their own judgements, opinions and decisions about what is going on in the world around them, and how to react.

Add a call to action. This often comes in the form of a list of things you can do to remedy a situation or issue. Web optimization company, The Daily Egg gives example: “10 ways to get rich without working 9-5”.

Remember, don’t be vague. If you have the most up-to-date information and are the best one to deliver it, service it, or provide the product for it, be direct about what you are offering.

If it’s a struggle in the beginning, tap into The Daily Egg’s 41 “Engaging Examples of the Best Headlines to Rally your Audience”. They provide good formulas from which to start.

Whether you or someone on your staff is writing headlines for your email blast, a newsletter, blog post, brochure, website, or sale announcement, a headline can make or break what you hope to share with your audience and customers.

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